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Auto appraisals determine a vehicle’s value at a specific point in time. They are needed for:
Insurance Claim Resolutions
Total loss settlements • Repair cost settlements • Diminished value settlements;
Court Proceedings
Bankruptcy • Divorce • Estate settlements
IRS Donations
And many other circumstances...
Vehicle Value Experts provides accurate Auto Appraisals tailored to your specific needs
Actual Cash Value Appraisal (ACV) • Fair Market Value Appraisal • Replacement Value Appraisal • Stated Value Appraisal • Whatever you need!Vehicle Value Experts is a licensed auto dealer in the State of Texas.
This allows us access to price and sales information unavailable to most other appraisers and appraisal firms.
A Vehicle Value Experts’ comprehensive auto appraisal report offers a documented assessment of a vehicle’s value based on its condition at the time of the incident or loss. We can also provide assessments at any points of improvement or repair, such as during a vehicle’s restoration activities, to document the increasing value of the vehicle.
Vehicle Value Experts offers verbal, simple, and comprehensive written auto appraisals designed to meet your specific requirements. We provide you the information and confidence necessary to make informed decisions about almost any vehicle type.
Choose Vehicle Value Experts as your Expert Witness
If you need a recognized and qualified expert to provide testimony on your or your client’s behalf, be sure to select one who’s certified by choosing Vehicle Value Experts!
Look for the VVEVerified™ seal

When you see the VVEVerified™ seal, you can rest assured that the accompanying valuation comes from an expert auto appraiser, not from a faceless black box pricing algorithm. That is our promise!